Wednesday, April 20, 2016

World biggest fossilized dinosaur egg and fossilized eggs of a new species

     The End of the Cretaceous World and its Remains

       Dinosaur Slime Egg fossils by M. Yamamoto

   Hundreds of dinosaur slime egg fossils of a new type have been found in Mikawa district, Aichi-prefecture, Japan. Like dinosaur egg fossils found all over the world, these egg fossils I found vary greatly in size and appearance. but they lack egg shell and yolk. So I speculated that they are slime egg fossils from either marine reptiles or dinosaurs. I deliberately broke two egg fossils to show their inside. The yolk is not seen and reddish annular markings go deep into the center instead. Just photos are shown at the bottom.

Egg fossils of new species

Two of them are deliverately broken into halves to show inside.

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