Monday, October 31, 2016

Fossilization process of Testicle

      The End of the Cretaceous World and its Remains
           The Dinosaur  Testicle Fossils by M. Yamamoto 

It has been said that soft tissue fossils are extremely rare to find, but it appears I have found numerous soft tissues fossils such as testicles, ovaries, skins and so on, in Mikawa district, Aichi-prefecture, Japan. I also found lots of dinosaur dung and egg fossils in the same place where numerous soft tissues fossils were found. As long as so many dung and egg fossils were found in Mikawa district which is my home town, it is obvious that the dinosaurs once lived in my neighborhood. Though discovery of the testicle fossil has not ever been reported in the world, I found a hundred of them in 3 years of time. Considering the number of the testicle fossils I found, there is a possibility that several hundred dinosaurs were buried alive by a massive landslide or volcanic eruptions, and fossilized quickly before putrefaction process proceeded. 
   Secondly, the photos of fossilized testicles are shown below. I would like to refrain from commenting on them, because a lot of factors may affect the outcome of the fossils. But in the last photos, testicle fossils putrefied a bit are shown. I hope that spermatozoa could be isolated from these fossils for sequencing DNA. I think that Mikawa district is unprecedented and special place and suited for studying the life of dinosaurs.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Soft tissue fossils and DNA sequence

The End of the Cretaceous World and its Remains
                  Soft Tissue Fossils by M. Yamamoto

It has been reported that soft tissue fossils are extremely rare find because they are easily decomposed or putrefied. But it appears I found numerous dinosaur soft tissue fossils such as testicles, presumably ovaries , developing embryos and the other fossils in Mikawa district, Aichi-prefecture, Japan. And I also found hundreds of dung and egg fossils. As long as so many dung and egg fossils are found in a small area of my vicinity, it is obvious that the dinosaurs once lived in this area of my vicinity. And there is a possibility that several hundreds of dinosaurs were killed at a time, buried quickly and fossilized before putrefaction process proceeded. All the fossils I found are well preserved and will give us good materials to sequence dino-DNA. Photos are shown below.

At first, an unidentified soft tissue fossil is shown.

Testicle fossils

Ovary fossils

Friday, September 16, 2016

Dinosaur Dung Fossil

   The End  of the Cretaceous World and its Remains
      Dinosaur dung fossils by M. Yamamoto

   It has been said that herbivore dinosaur dung fossils are rarer than those of carnivores to find. But it seems I found lots of herbivore dung fossils. Firstly, photos of herbivore dung fossils are shown below. They are like balls of fiver. So I decided they are herbivorous dinosaur dung fossils. I always try to decide what they are by observing their shapes and appearances. I am a medical doctor and an instant fossil hunter. I cannot analyze for calcium phosphate.

This dung contains broken gastrolith in it.

Secondly, photos of carnivorous dinosaur fossils are shown.
These dungs came from dinosaurs which had flesh

These dungs came from dinosaurs which had flesh and bones

These dungs are from dinosaurs which had flesh and gut. Note small amount of fiber on their surfaces.                                                                                                               
   Top view

  Underside view
 The dung above was sitting on this side
 during fossilization process proceeded.


  This dung was evacuated from high place
and a dent  was made on landing.

These dungs were in the intestine at the time of their death. The intestine was fossilized before they went rotten. There is a possibility we are able to sequence dino-DNA because gut muscles seem well preserved. Photos are shown below.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Body fossils and skins

   It has been said that soft tissue fossils are extremely rare to find, because they are easily putrefied or decomposed. But I found lots of soft tissue fossils around Mikawa district, Aichi-prefecture, Japan. Other than soft tissue fossils, I found hundreds of dinosaur egg and dung fossils. As long as so many dinosaur fossils have been found around Mikawa district of my vicinity, it is obvious that numerous dinosaurs once lived in this district. I am an instant fossil hunter and discovered thousands of dinosaur fossils in the small area of my vicinity. When I see these fossils, I wonder why I was able to find so many dinosaur fossils in a short period of time. And I come to think of the possibility that the dinosaurs which lived in this district were killed and buried by massive land slide and fossilized quickly.

   Firstly, a beautifully preserved fossil is shown. Unfortunately, I have no idea what it is. I am happy if someone could give me an advise.

   Secondly, a lot of photos of skin fossils are shown. Photos of the protuberances and the tail clubs which may not be skin fossils are also shown. But I inferred that these protuberances and tail clubs were derived from dorsal or tail fins of the fish which must have been their predecessors. The protuberances shine by reflecting light just like fish scale.

   Lastly, photos of the tale clubs are shown. Some of them are badly broken and deformed. I think Mikawa district is a special place where numerous dinosaurs were killed at once and fossilized quickly by massive landslide caused by the volcanic actions.